Client Stories

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed mauris urna, pellentesque ac suscipit at, maximus ac lectus. Integer aliquet sem eget mauris pharetra, eu dignissim dui rutrum. Sed volutpat tincidunt lorem ac tristique. Proin eu tempor neque. Etiam mollis posuere leo non eleifend. Morbi non mi vitae nisi ullamcorper varius vitae eu tortor.

Cras ultrices tempor consectetur. Sed condimentum lorem enim, eget fringilla enim gravida ut. Aliquam tincidunt tortor id lorem faucibus, ut tincidunt lectus facilisis. Nullam congue aliquam felis, vel tincidunt lorem porttitor et. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, elit consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lorem eleifend ipsum iaculis consectetur. Donec purus massa, auctor in mollis interdum, commodo ac magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Kristine T. G. Hardeberg

Author and Art Historian

Within 3 months I had a revenue of over 2 million NOK, which has helped me and my family hugely with downpayment of debt and a new security in the world.


Brian Mayne

Goal Mapping - Founder

I’ve been teaching Goal mapping and positive thinking for more than 25 years, mostly through seminars and 1-1 coaching. The last few years, I’ve been working on moving my business online, and with the support and guidance from AweSM, I sold for more than 20 000 euros on my first 2 webinars!


Anne Karin Nordskag

Thanks to AweSM I wasn’t affected when the whole world went into lockdown in March 2020. I spent 14 days taking my physical course and turning it into an online course. super grateful!


Erna Mikkelsen

Dog Trainer

Before I started working with AweSM, I struggled to sell my online courses. With their help, I became more confident in the whole process, including the technical aspect – and not least the reliance on my own expertise and that it is worth paying for. From having 100-200 registered for the webinar, I went to 1000-2000 and where I had 7 registered for the first online course, I got over 100 for the next. This investment has given me a business I can make a living from.


Siljes Spirelykke

Dog Trainer

Before I started working with AweSM, I struggled to sell my online courses. With their help, I became more confident in the whole process, including the technical aspect – and not least the reliance on my own expertise and that it is worth paying for. From having 100-200 registered for the webinar, I went to 1000-2000 and where I had 7 registered for the first online course, I got over 100 for the next. This investment has given me a business I can make a living from.

Case Studies

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Business Strategist and Visionary

Petter Erik Nyvoll has worked in sales and has been an entrepreneur for 20 years. He has sold courses and conferences, sponsor packages, consulting services, shares, investment opportunities, telephone and server solutions, ads, exclusive memberships, and network marketing products.

He loves to keep up with what’s happening in sales and marketing around the world, is continuously testing new marketing strategies by himself and helps online entrepreneurs implement new sales and marketing strategies. He is well known for challenging his clients to double their price , to think creatively and to break out of their comfort zone!