Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the questions we are asked the most. If you have other inquiries, send us a message.

Do you help me with the tech setup?

Absolutely! We know that the tech side of moving your business online feels intimidating to most people. Our AweSM team member Raghaev will guide you through everything you need to know. He’ll make sure that you’re set to take advantage of all the amazing things technology can do for your business in a smooth and stress-free way. We have an extensive library of step by step tutorials you get access to when you work with us. As well as 1-1 private calls, guidance, support and even complete done- for- you tech-packages.

I don't have an online course yet, can you help me with that?

Yes, we help you package, create and sell your knowledge in various course formats. Both high-end packages where you work with your clients over an extended period of time, and shorter, “regular” online courses.

I already have an online course, but it's not selling very well...

Yes, we help you package, create and sell your knowledge in various course formats. Both high-end packages where you work with your clients over an extended period of time, and shorter, “regular” online courses.

I don't have a business, but I'm an expert on X topic. Can I still apply to work with you?

Yes, we help you package, create and sell your knowledge in various course formats. Both high-end packages where you work with your clients over an extended period of time, and shorter, “regular” online courses.

Business Strategist and Visionary

Petter Erik Nyvoll has worked in sales and has been an entrepreneur for 20 years. He has sold courses and conferences, sponsor packages, consulting services, shares, investment opportunities, telephone and server solutions, ads, exclusive memberships, and network marketing products.

He loves to keep up with what’s happening in sales and marketing around the world, is continuously testing new marketing strategies by himself and helps online entrepreneurs implement new sales and marketing strategies. He is well known for challenging his clients to double their price , to think creatively and to break out of their comfort zone!