How AweSM Helped Brian Mayne Build A Successful Online Coaching Business

Brian Mayne is very successful with Goal Mapping, a personal development system that has been used by more than 5 million people around the world and increases their results by 20%. His system is proven by school students, world champion sports athletes, top executives in worldwide companies including some of the biggest like Microsoft, IBM, Disney, British Telecom, Nat West, Royal Bank of Scotland, The British Coaching Academy, and more.

Brian is a well-known global speaker, seminar leader and the author of 4 books on Personal Development. He proudly received the UK ‘National Training Award’ in 2005 and was voted the UK ‘Speaker of the Year’ in 2010 by the Academy of Chief Executives. Also, he’s the creator of other intensive empowerment techniques: Life Mapping, Action Mapping and Self Mapping.

Before working with AweSM, Brian was successful with his physical workshops business. At that time, people were drawing Goal Maps on paper. Then, he started to work online and digitized his Goal Mapping system on his own. But it was not easy doing that alone. 

After that, AweSM was honored to help him transition that paper-based business online and scale it on a global basis throughout many years. Our AweSM founders, Maria and Petter Erik, took Brian to their homeland Norway for the first time in 2011. Since then, they have traveled with him to Norway and different Nordic places around 40 times and become good friends with him.

Maria Rygge and Brian Mayne in 2015

AweSM tried our best to assist Brian with not only sales and marketing but also technical matters. We guided Brian to create the whole digital marketing system including ads, live webinars, sales funnels, automation structures, as well as other sales and marketing strategies and regular marketing activities through different channels. Also, we worked with him on how to effectively attract, serve and coach clients online from anywhere for his coaching system. 

Furthermore, Petter Erik spent a significant amount of time helping him build an effective customer journey, how to get target customers into his system and make sure they get a chance to learn more, buy more, and work more closely with Brian. We understood that besides selling more, it was also important to bring more value to people, which would naturally prove it was the right path for them in Brian’s system. That required a good follow-up process which we assisted him with setting up. 

All of the above quickly brought Brian many online clients, which even increased over time through word of mouth. We were so glad to receive great reviews from his clients because they really got satisfying results, and from there we went back to refine the system even more with him.

The AweSM team in general, and Petter Erik and Maria in particular, actually cared and wanted Brian to succeed because we knew he could make positive impacts to many people’s lives with his outstanding motivating personal development techniques. And now we’re proud to share his success story as well as how we successfully digitized and globalized his physical knowledge business. 

Over the years, Brain Mayne has become not only a brilliant client, an awesome example, but also a dear friend to us. We are very happy to hear his kind words about working with AweSM: “For many years I’ve been working with the AweSM team, and I am super impressed with the results they’ve helped me to create, with the technical ability the team has, and particularly with the level of genuine heart and care that they show towards all of their customers.”

This warms our hearts and we would love to help more and more fantastic client-friends like this. 

If you wonder whether AweSM is right for you and what working with us would be like, you can book a free consultation call with one of our coaches (after just a short questionnaire) here.

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Business Strategist and Visionary

Petter Erik Nyvoll has worked in sales and has been an entrepreneur for 20 years. He has sold courses and conferences, sponsor packages, consulting services, shares, investment opportunities, telephone and server solutions, ads, exclusive memberships, and network marketing products.

He loves to keep up with what’s happening in sales and marketing around the world, is continuously testing new marketing strategies by himself and helps online entrepreneurs implement new sales and marketing strategies. He is well known for challenging his clients to double their price , to think creatively and to break out of their comfort zone!