Are you the type of person that takes a lot of time making choices, weighing every option, maybe even making a list of pros & cons, or are you the type that just jumps in only to find out you should have given it more thought?
One of my personal challenges lately is that I’ve been saying yes to things without fully realizing the amount of actual work it will entail. Since we are a team and more people are involved I feel obligated to do what I say…but now I end up with not enough time to do the big & important things I originally planned to do!
Last week we had our quarterly planning meeting with our Entrepreneurial Operating System facilitator. She helped us create this checklist to use when we make decisions on what to prioritize:
1) What needs to be done – a breakdown of tasks, both big and small? What level of quality is required? (on a personal note: if there is writing involved I tend to consciously or unconsciously get involved…, because I am afraid it won’t be good enough if I don’t do it 😜)
2) Do we have bandwidth/capacity? (In detail and for all the people involved – yes or no?)
3) What is the cost What is the potential revenue?
4) Is the potential for income and the task more important than what we already prioritized?
If we do have the capacity or the revenue potential is good, and the project or task seems more important than what we have planned, we say YES… and if not we say NO, but we do not throw the idea in the trash, we just put in on our list for potential projects for next quarter.
I must admit that I love processes, and only the thought of this made me feel lighter and less stressed about everything that is on my plate for the coming weeks and months! 😅
I wanted to share this with you because I thought maybe it would be useful for you when you want to prioritize your tasks going ahead.