Mindset, Money, and Meaning: Sadie Lawler on An Entrepreneur’s Journey to Balance  

Want to ignite your inner rebel? 

In the latest Scaling Life episode, I had an inspiring chat with Sadie Lawler, an entrepreneur who continually challenges assumptions of what she can achieve. 

Sadie had to reinvent her career after injuries derailed her original business plans. Even when doctors dismissed her chronic pain as permanent and untreatable, she tapped into her defiant nature to eventually heal herself. 

Now Sadie runs a thriving business helping thousands of women recover from similar issues. She stresses the importance of spiritual practices for staying motivated and evolving as an entrepreneur.

What adversities or limiting beliefs are holding YOU back from reaching your potential? Sadie’s journey proves why you should never let anyone else define your limits. 

Get fired up and listen to our powerful conversation! Find Scaling Life on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.


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​[00:00:00] Petter Erik: so in this episode I have Sadie with me and one of the things with entrepreneurship and also how I live my life is to get around people that are better than myself or in the same level or meeting people that are interesting. And I know the first time I met Sadie, it was on God of the month or around a year ago. I just. Felt [00:01:00] this is a person that I want to do stuff with and this is a person that inspire me and this is a person that i’ve done a lot of stuff and that’s also why I invited Sadie to be on the podcast we have been working together almost a year now with some up and downs, but still I think I really enjoy to work with her and I think she has a lot of things to Talk about entrepreneurship, life, how she lived her life. So welcome, Seydif, to this episode of Scaling Life. how did you decide to be an entrepreneur? Yeah, Sadie: a nice introduction. I was like, Oh, I feel like really special value. And it’s also the same way I feel about you. I think yeah, that’s exactly what you said, to be honest yes, there’s been some up and downs. We’re in like a really good place right now. So I can’t wait like for the Yeah. I feel like things are like really starting to flow, like with our collaboration and very excited about what is to come. So I’m very glad that we did have that meeting and that we did start working together, and very excited to be here today. How did I become an [00:02:00] entrepreneur? I have never had a real job. I did have one, like I worked at a store for six months, and I did work in the film and TV industry for 15 years, but I never had a job that lasted for more than a month or 2 months because everything is project based. So I always worked for myself, but I didn’t have my own business. So I know a lot of people like find it really scary to take that first step. Especially I live in Norway and also and I see that here. People are often quite scared to leave their steady jobs and start a life of entrepreneurship, but I never really had that. To me that really wasn’t there, but, you could say I’ve always been quite entrepreneurial. but I didn’t really start my first business until I decided to quit the TV and film industry. So that was in 2014. and I had been working. Yeah. Since I was a kid, actually, I grew up in the film and TV industry. My mom was a producer and a writer. And I grew up in Barcelona and I basically grew up like on a [00:03:00] TV set. Since I was a kid, cause my mom was a single mom There was never really any value put on like having a steady job, having a safe income. It was like from society. Yes, but not in my house growing up. It just wasn’t a thing that was like a high priority thing. It was like, do what you love, have fun doing what you want to do, make sure that you’re happy, like with all the chaos that also came with that. I got really tired and burnt out from the film and TV industry, and it just, my heart wasn’t there anymore. And I really, I had been on this health journey for a really long time, and I really had this feeling I wanted to start an organic grocery store in Oslo. And I grew up in Spain, I lived in New York and London for many years, and just loved having this thing. Availability of like fresh produce and just like food that tastes like it should and tomatoes that are really tasty. And I just I longed for that in Norway. I was like, I can see there’s farms and things, but where is that food? Like you can’t find it anywhere. and so that was like my first business. I started an organic [00:04:00] grocery store in Oslo. I started the business. Got pregnant, kept starting the business because I’d already started and that was my first baby. had a lot of issues postpartum that I was completely unprepared for. Like my body wasn’t working properly and I did got no help. And so I had to get people to run the business, but it wasn’t really like running properly on its own. Cause I had just started it. and in that process, I discovered. a way to heal myself from these injuries that basically all the doctors told me I wasn’t going to be able to heal from. And so then I realized I can’t go back to after I like, completely healed myself. I was all better. Like I could stand and run and like function properly, which I was told I would never be able to do again without surgery. Then I was like, I can’t go back to the store now. Like now I have to share this. This is the thing that I have to share with the world, like the store and like all the, logistics and everything. And [00:05:00] so, this is my business now. I teach women of all ages how to recuperate from core and pelvic floor issues. A lot of them from issues that they’ve had for years that they thought they had to live with, , and help them live more active and fulfilling lives at all stages of life. And that’s like my real passion. And when I look back at it now, I think There’s no way that I would’ve taken that step from where I was if I didn’t have the experience of starting that grocery, of working as a freelancer for years. ’cause it was just like, obviously I have to do this. There was no doubt. Or it was just like, I’ll just do the first step and then I’ll just keep going. Petter Erik: and you said it’s normal in Norway, you’re coming, you’re living in a country that are different. And I had said for many years that there’s some, something wrong with Norway and Norway and mindset and all the thing. But I discovered after some years when I’ve been living in Vietnam for six years now, I figured out it’s me who are the problem. It’s not Norway because [00:06:00] I can never, or I’m saying that now I can never get back to Norway because my mindset, the how I want to live life and all this thing is. It’s totally different from what a standard Norwegian person are. So how is it for you when you start a company when the kids are young and come up with a new idea, how will, how do you feel like the environment are, or people around you are Sadie: I think this is interesting because q1 Sadie: when we talk about entrepreneurship, we talk about like how you have to basically learn to thrive and discomfort. If you’re, if you run away from being uncomfortable, like you’re not going to get anywhere. I do a lot of work on myself to try to like, keep my energy high and like work on my stuff. So it doesn’t come up in my work, and expanding my business. And it’s so important. I know you guys do a lot of that as well. I think like one of the things for me is that I’ve never led a very comfortable life in terms of I was bullied in school, like so much that I had to change schools twice. Like it was really bad. I had some really bad experiences in New York I’m used to like. [00:07:00] Negative feedback, if that makes sense. And there’s something in me and I noticed this the later years before I used to think of it as something bad, but then I realized no, this is like a, this is the reason why I am where I am today is If you tell me that I can’t do something, like I might break down for like a day or two, but I will prove you wrong. Like it just lights a fire under me. I’m just like, there is no way that you get to decide what I can do and what I can’t do. And I know people react differently to adversity, but I was like at the end of the rope with like trying to find help when I had all these injuries. And literally like I couldn’t walk. I was like, I had pain all the time. It felt like my pelvic floor was like falling out. It was like really bad. And q2 Sadie: I went to a doctor and she was like, you chose to have kids, so you had to like, expect that something like this would happen. What’s going to happen? And I’m like, if somebody gets in a car accident and they come to the ER, the first thing that you tell them is, Oh, [00:08:00] but you were driving a car, that’s dangerous. Like you must have expected that you were going to get in a car accident. Like what? In me that ignited that I’m going to show you, I’m going to figure out a way to get better because you don’t get to decide. That this is my life now, I never really thought about this as a part of myself until like recent years when I’ve been working on myself and I’ve been like, Oh, that’s a really good thing. I’m not just like a pain in the ass who won’t give up and we’ll like, keep, trying and annoying people until she gets what she wants. This isn’t actually a really good quality because it means that I don’t give up. If things get hard or complicated or people tell me I’m crazy, or I’m like, no, this feels right for me. And I’m going to go for it. And I wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t for having gone through all those things before in my life. So, Yeah, I got a lot of pushback because what I do is in Norway is quite alternative. In many other countries is not alternative at all, but in Norway it’s very alternative. It’s very against the grain. And I [00:09:00] got so much pushback, like hate mail and yeah, a lot of of resistance, and at sometimes I let it get me down, but then I was like, it helped of course, a lot that I saw how many people I was helping and how many like women I was able to help and I just focused on that. I was just like, I just see, I know what I do works. I have seen it on myself. I’ve seen it on thousands of women now so you can say what you want, but I wouldn’t be here eight years later if what I did didn’t work. And if I like, wasn’t doing a good job, then I wouldn’t have a business. Like it’s undeniable, right? It’s not it’s not just marketing, it wouldn’t work because if people talk with a very small country, like people talk to each other. So if I wasn’t doing a good job at my job, then people would be like, Oh, this doesn’t work. Don’t, it’s the opposite. It’s Hey, take this course. Cause it’s going to change your life. Please stop. Being in pain all the time. Petter Erik: I always get these questions from when I get new clients or talk with someone is like [00:10:00] Oh I have a goal to make this money in the air. I have a goal to do this in this period of time. Is this realistic? And I always answering, to be an entrepreneur is not realistic at all. So don’t ask an entrepreneur about if this is realistic. It’s totally doable, but it’s not realistic at all. when you talk about that you’re always been like someone Done things that, oh, you want to prove to wrong. I also had been doing that, but it’s a interesting story because I did it when I was young, because I have low self confidence and I want to be seen by friends. So when I was young, it’s like some people come to me and Peter, you don’t want to do this, or you cannot do this. And even if it was totally stupid, ridiculous, I did it. And then I, after a while I started to build up like, oh, I can do things I don’t believe. So do you remember when you, First time got this experience of doing something that people said is impossible or when do you remember when you got it or have you had it all your life Sadie: since I was little, I [00:11:00] don’t know when you said it now, I thought I’ve been doing a lot of like affirmations work lately. So like, I can just hear like the affirmations that I’ve been telling myself in my head and I’m like, okay. Cause it’s one of them is like, why am I such a favorite child of the universe, but that resonates with me because even though I’ve been through some horrible, like really terrible things that I don’t wish like on anyone, but at the same time, like. Part of the times in my life when I’ve been like, I really want this thing, like I’ve always gotten what I wanted when I’ve been very clear about what I wanted. And I think about that since I was a kid. A little kid, like silly things like, Oh, I have a crush on this kid. We’ll be like 10 years old, and he would have a crush on me and we would be like together. Or like I applied to NYU for film as a transfer student with a student aid, which you don’t really get as a transfer student. And I got in early decision. Which like, there’s like thousands and thousands of applicants And I was like, yeah, of course I did. I only applied there. I had no backup [00:12:00] plan. That was it. So yeah, I feel like, just like going for things or like, yeah, getting jobs in TV as a kid, like getting cast and things. And just be like, I’m going to get that role. And people were like, but you don’t, nobody knows who you are. Like you have no experience. And the description says she’s like tall and blonde. And I’m like, no, I’m going to get it. I don’t know. Um, I had a lot of years where my confidence just took a big hit, but I feel like yeah, a lot of that has been there. Since I was a kid, Petter Erik: i will say you’re a successful entrepreneur or it depends on what success is but how what is your goals and target with your business and your life what are when will you feel like you are getting where you want to be Sadie: it’s such a good question. But then again, I think that’s so important to be clear on. we started working together when I started getting really clear on that. And I feel like the years before, and I know a lot of people like listening to this will probably resonate with this, but like the pandemic and then the war and then the blab and the [00:13:00] economic blah, blah, blah. Like, I’m not saying, Oh, your business, but just the stress that knowing that those things were happening created in my life made me like very reactionary. And like making choices out of fear, as opposed to up until then, I was making choices in my business out of what I wanted to do. And then I was like, yes, this is the next step. And then I would do it and it would work. And then something happened with my nervous system uh, obviously uh, during the pandemic, and I just got really scared of losing, Everything, my business, everything that I’ve been working on. And so I started making decisions out of like fear and stress and like very reactionary to things that were happening and that’s when like living in Norway actually really affected me for the first time because it’s such a conformist society. And so like everybody thinks the same things. And then if something comes out in the news, like everybody’s talking about it, I’m like, do you not have, do you not have Different news channels. Are there not people who don’t read the news? And so it’s really the last year [00:14:00] and a half where I decided to break that cycle that I’ve been in for a couple of years, because I really wanted to regain my peace and really define what does it mean for me to be successful? when will I know that I’m there? And the major goal for me has been like, I really need to lower my stress levels and be more at peace. And that’s part of the reason why I wanted to work with you guys. And a major reason why I wanted to work with you guys, even though we had a little bit of the opposite effect at the beginning, but we’re getting there now. But for me, if I can define that It’s not so much a numbers, a game, it would be like more just like comfortable profit. my focus now is more like on healthy profitability and my goals like for the rest of the year is to build up like a really good buffer. So I know I have four to six months of Salaries and expenses, like just tucked away so that I know that whatever happens, like I have time [00:15:00] to reorganize my business. Like that for me would be like an amazing weight off my shoulders. my goal for this year and it has been for like the past year and a half is like really systematizing my business because I’ve been like, I did a couple of iffy hires early on that I had to clean up and I am really like focusing on systematizing. So things are like, we have SOPs, we have systems with how, Oh, this thing came in. This is how we do that. Not just let’s reinvent the wheel every single time. And also expanding my team enough. I do have a team, but I’ve been. Doing way more than I need to. And I realized now that I’ve been growing, I’ve just been drowning in admin and I can’t work like that. So my goal is that I would really like, if we’re going to check all the boxes, like a nice buffer, four to six months being able to rely on my team and like giving them responsibility so that they’re responsible for their own metrics. And the goal for me [00:16:00] would be that I am like. 85, 90 percent of my tasks or like the work that I do is either creative or CEO mentor work, so mentoring my team so that they can elevate what they’re doing, but getting myself out of the nitty gritty that I have been stuck in lately which I’m already taking steps to do. That would be like. An amazing definition for me in terms of numbers. I don’t know if we’re talking like specific numbers, but I did have like this, like visualization that we’re kind of on the way for that, but I was going to hit 30 million Kroner next year, Petter Erik: Is it interesting to think about when you just set the goal is you find a way to reach it? It’s like, isn’t that interesting to how it works? Because I talk with so many, oh, I don’t want to set goal because I never reach it. Sadie: I’ve really been trying to visualize a little bit more actively because I totally agree. If you can’t see the goal, then you can’t get there. If you don’t know what it looks like, what it feels like to be [00:17:00] there, if you don’t know what kind of decisions do you make? How do you react to things? Like when you’ve reached it, then it’s like, how do you get there? It’s not, it’s like an undefined thing in your mind. So that’s why I’m really trying to find out. Focus on like the details. Like This is exactly what I want. And I know what it feels like to me. It means I can take weekends off. It means I’m not working in the evenings with my daughter being like, mommy, why are you working again? So unfair, I can be present in my life with my family. That’s The most important thing right now. Yeah. Petter Erik: And you say that you had changed from living in fear to turn it around. I think so many were starting up their business or doing things or not doing things in life is because they’re scared of it. What did you do to change that? What was the process for you? Sadie: I’m still working on it. Fear doesn’t really go away. And especially if you keep growing, then you just get like new versions of the [00:18:00] things that you were afraid of, but they just get bigger, but you just get better at handling them. And you’re like, Oh, it’s this thing again, interesting. Let’s see what I can do about that. I’ve used so many different techniques and I am like, I’m so grateful that I’ve had people that I have come in contact with who have helped me through different things. So, um, One of the techniques that I use a lot, I don’t know if you’ve heard about this, but it’s called theta healing. in the States, I think they, there’s a modality called rapid resolution therapy, which is quite similar. It works like on the theta waves of the brain. So it’s basically like. I was in therapy since I was a kid. I’ve been in therapy my whole life. This is like doing like 20 years of therapy in two hours, if it works well. So it’s like all the patterns, you know, you always have all the things that we’re not really aware of. So like you want to make 30 million Kroner, but you have an ingrained belief in your system. That’s like people with a lot of money are bad people. uh, Making money makes you evil. Which you’ve just like grown up with or like people are always fighting about money, you know, if you grew [00:19:00] up in a house where like people are always fighting about money. So like more money equals more problems. So if I’m, I can’t, I want this thing, but like my system isn’t like, you know, and so just working on aligning those things. So Okay. Deconstructing those beliefs that are like making it clash. That’s been an amazing tool for me. I’ve also done a lot of breath work. Tried to surround myself more with people who have achieved those goals and more. So that it feels like my goals are like really small in comparison. Petter Erik: mm, mm. Sadie: Masterminds and just like surrounding myself with more of that energy where I’m like, they’re like 30 million Corona did like 10 years ago. Like That was so, you know, now I’m like here and I’ve got like these kinds of issues. I’m like, Oh, okay. So yeah, it’s been a combination of all of these things, really. Meditation. Visualization. Hypnosis. I do some hypnosis as well. Yeah, I use everything. If I [00:20:00] find like a new modality and I’m like, oh, this can help me get rid of something that is holding me back, like a pattern that I’m stuck in, something that keeps coming up in my business, like there was a while where I kept choosing wrong people. And I always ended up in the same situation. And then I was like why is this happening? Like, why am I doing this? And I couldn’t figure it out. I was like, Oh, I finally found like this perfect person. And I was like, no, it’s completely wrong. And everybody around me was like, I could tell that this was the wrong person for you. And I’m like, how? I don’t understand stuff like that. We’re just like blind about it and getting help with that. That’s been, yeah. So I’m very fortunate that I’ve been able to find people who have helped me along the way as well. Petter Erik: Yeah, I also think it’s interesting when you find people who are on a higher level than yourself and I think that’s also kind of a challenging in Norway because it’s scary to be, you know, I know, don’t know who said it first, maybe it’s Jim Rohn or something tried to be the uh, most stupid person in the room that we always should be and not be in the room where you’re smartest. [00:21:00] But I think it’s kind of a mindset that mainly have that, oh, it’s so much more comfortable to be the most smartest person in the room. And I also know for myself, when I’m together, I’m also in a mastermind. And when I’m together with them and I talk, Talk about 5 10 15 20 million dollar It’s like in the revenue per year and I do the same like me I’m starting to think oh if they can do it. They are not more special than me So why can I not do it? But if you are together with someone or on a lower level, they think you’re crazy stupid and not have anything. So I think it’s Really important This is kind of Robert Kiyosaki thing. Also you can uh, it’s rich dad, poor dad stuff, but someone will say like, Oh, I can’t be entrepreneur now because I need to take care of my family. I need to be a mom or someone else say, I need to do it now when my kids are small. But how do you combine it? How do you keep the family together and have time for a family and also being shown ambitious as you are sailing. Sadie: It hasn’t been easy. And I don’t think [00:22:00] especially job isn’t a hobby. My job pays for all of our bills. It pays for our house. It pays for our lifestyle. I don’t have regrets, but I, now that I’m like really working Like getting more peace with myself and creating more peace in my life and my work. I did have, especially those years during the pandemic and like the time after where I was like really worried about If things were going to go well, what was going to happen? I did let a lot of that fear, go into my relationship with my daughter and like prioritizing work and having to push her away at a time when she was too little to understand, like now she understands and I can be like, Hey, I really have to work. And she’ll be like, that sucks. Okay, fine. But there’s not that dialogue at like three to four years old. Like she just wanted her mom. And I just couldn’t be there or like, even if I was in the room with her, I was like thinking about like work and stressing about things and just not really present because I didn’t feel like I could relax until I felt safe, but I didn’t feel safe. And so a lot [00:23:00] of that definitely affected my relationship with my daughter. And also my husband, like He was trying to save our other business, the grocery store, which we eventually had to close in 2021. I guess one thing is I’m very hard on myself. if I look back at that time, I think about like the things that I wish I would have done better, but I know like with the situation that I was in and what I was dealing with and the amount of responsibility that I had. And I took on I really did the best that I could. I was really trying to be there for my kid and help my husband and keep us going basically, like in the best way that I could keep my business afloat. And now what I want more than anything, like my word for 2024 is fun. I’m a really fun person, if you know me I haven’t been very fun the last few years, but in general, I’m a very fun person. I’m really trying to get back to that. And my daughter’s still like at a young age, like she’s. Still thank God. Like she’s still like loves to be around me. And she like wants to be around us like all the time. I know that’s going to end sometime, but for [00:24:00] now I feel like I just want to focus on like making the times that we have together, like as fun as possible and just really balancing that out in that way. I still work quite a lot, but I just. What I do now is that I just make sure that the time that we have together, like plan fun things and just really being able to be present in that time. And. One of the things that in terms of balance, I think like the more that I’ve grown in order to be able to scale my business to where it has been, I’ve had to do like a lot of work on myself. I know you’ve done a lot of work on yourself as well. You can’t get anywhere in business if you don’t, or you can, but not very far. And so, a lot of that, then I’ve like also put back into my business. Marriage and into our family dynamics and also in how like I relate to my daughter and like giving her space also for being annoyed with me for working and hearing her and being present with her and trying to explain to her and show her. yeah, [00:25:00] I’ve just been trying to create more of that. think it’s really interesting because one of the things about living in Norway is that you do have longer vacations at least, or like things like that. And when I’m in these masterminds in the States uh, with these women who are like making like 20, 40, 50, a hundred million dollars, like a year. And I’m like, they’re taking like two weeks vacation a year. And that’s just like blows my mind. I’m like, if I was making a hundred million dollars. Like I would be working one day a week. What are you talking about? Like and they feel like they need to, it’s not just because they want to they just feel like they can’t take the time off. Of course, some of them are like are on the opposite spectrum and have these really luxurious, spacious lives, but a lot of them work a lot. And it’s because in the society that they live in, they don’t feel like work balance is valued. Work is valued, that’s like how you create value in the world. And so on that [00:26:00] side, I’m quite grateful for living in Norway where people are like, why are you still working? It’s 4 p. m. It’s the weekend. What are you doing? Let’s go out into the woods. Let’s go do this thing I’ve got like this and really like valuing the time with your family not being like Oh, just get a babysitter or send your kids somewhere off so You That part of living here, I think I’ve been really grateful for because it just keeps inspiring me to be like, yeah, okay let’s take the time off and actually have time off. And it’s not like embarrassing. I feel like a lot of the women who I know who like work at these higher levels, it’s like embarrassing to take time off with their family. And I don’t ever want it to feel like that. I can tell you, can I tell you one goal that I have? So I’ve said it out loud. Petter Erik: Yeah, do it. Sadie: Okay. Before my daughter turns 11, I want to take a whole year and travel the world with her and my husband. and we did that. My husband and I did that like before we had her obviously. And I definitely want that to happen. Maybe not now. Cause she’s like a little bit, she’s [00:27:00] still like a little bit annoying to travel. eight, nine, nine, 10, I think is like a sweet spot. So before like we get into the preteens I would love to do that. And so that’s like a thing for me and I have to build a business that supports that. Like I can’t build a business that wouldn’t support something that I would love to do with my life. so that’s really what I’m trying to focus on now. Petter Erik: I’ll also share a story because I was in the totally opposite of what you’re talking about. I joined Dan Sullivan’s mastermind for some years ago. I don’t know if you know who it is, but he’s 80 years old now. He’s American, but lived most of his life in Canada. And he created a system called Entrepreneur entrepreneur time management system. what he’s saying that you will get better results. Like entrepreneur, if you take at least what you say yeah, I think it’s 24 days off per quarter. That’s minimum. But when you start to work with him, most of the entrepreneurs I was there was totally opposite. They have 40 or 50 days off. And what [00:28:00] changed my mindset about it? I have been like the entrepreneur. I can’t Since I was 22 like, oh, I love to work. I just like to work. I can work all the time. But the guys there they start to look different on it. They start to fight about who can have most days off, because it’s all about to grow a business with having days off. and I get this first time I get the task from, because I wasn’t, it was more like a Muslim and we had, workshop six times a year and we get tasks to do and the first task was to have a day off and a day off was when he talked about the day off is to do some Thing that you’re not involved in work at all. So that means you cannot read a business book if you’re going to grow your business. You cannot read a book about what you’re doing. You cannot talk about what you are doing. You cannot listen to podcasts that can be related to work. It needs to be totally different because this mindset is all about, if you just take days off, it will be to have a mini vacation every week. And if you think about [00:29:00] every time you’re coming back from a vacation, you are more inspired. Um, Yeah in control and you’re doing all this thing. So so that’s what I’m working on for myself is to get That I had a test when I was in in Japan last winter, when I tried to work four or five hours every day. And it’s true. It’s I get more clear in my mind, I get more things about it. So that’s also a new challenge to go the Still, I still want to grow the business, but it’s also to see if I can do it with working less hours. And I think it’s also when you make it to a must for yourself. It’s I think you also can take a year off and still grow your business if you just make it to a must for yourself. Sadie: that’s so interesting that you say that. And I think like you challenged me on that. We had a conversation about it and. I had some stuff come up when we were like talking about automating my webinar. And then I was like, but then it’s going to be too easy. It’s going to be too easy to get sales and make money. And then some of my stuff came up and you were like, but I asked myself more and more how easy can I do this? That’s the [00:30:00] question that you ask yourself. And I’ve also worked with other mentors who have been like, no, Sadie, q3 Sadie: like the goal has to be to not work at all. Like you have to build a business, or you do the stuff that’s not work that you really enjoy doing, but the work, like busy work or like repetitive tasks or things that need to be managed or you shouldn’t be doing that. It just clouds your ability to look at the bigger picture and to have new ideas. And. here’s one thing that is difficult or no, that’s not difficult. Challenging about having small children is that if you want to go on a vacation with a small child, it’s not a vacation, like you don’t get back feeling completely refreshed. she’s wonderful. I love my daughter to death, but she was not an easy child. she’s gonna go far in life. She has a lot of opinions. And I try not to squash them, which involves a lot of emotional. Work and dialogue and she’s very smart. And so there’s a lot like going on. She’s very interesting and [00:31:00] interested in life. And she has FOMO all the time. So everything is like big. There’s no like chill. She has no chill. if I think about what would I do to get that feeling, I have to do things on my own. If I want to be like completely refreshed and come back and feel like I’m inspired, I have to be alone or I have to do something for myself. Which is why I’m going to the States now. I leave on Sunday to go to this mastermind. And then I put in like a day or two at the end where I just get to integrate and be on my own and just I’m not like pretending I’m single, but I’m just like, I feel like going out for a coffee. Okay. And then I just go out the door instead of having to negotiate with an eight year old for a half an hour about putting her shoes on. Petter Erik: But isn’t that feeling also wonderful? I remember when I was in Japan, I was there five weeks alone and I am like, there’s so logistic things to have family and business and all the things, everything is more like logistic and I love the freedom. So when I was there alone I was one day, I Just driving to the gas station and it was a ski resort, I think [00:32:00] it was one hour more to drive. And I just decided, okay, let’s go there. And I know if I was there with my family and others, we need to be at discussion the day before. And just having this freedom to do that, I also think that’s important. We need to remember it for life. Even if we have families, just to have some times alone sometimes. It’s really important. Sadie: And I don’t know, I don’t know you so well, but I have a feeling that you also charge well with others, like that you get energy also of being like with other people. But for me, like I can to a certain degree, but I recharge like the best when I’m alone. with work and clients here I’m in my center. Also, I have a lot of people here who need my attention at home. I have a lot of people who need my attention. And so, like, I need to create those spaces where, it’s just for me I don’t have to take care of anybody else’s needs or emotions or feelings like it’s just taking care of myself. And I think that’s like super important, but it’s not as equally important for [00:33:00] everybody. Like somebody, some people don’t have those needs. Yeah. Petter Erik: ago. I stopped drinking alcohol for 14 months ago or something and I didn’t do it because it was a one year project. I just wake up one day and decide to stop drinking and I’m still not. And every time I’m together with people drinking now I feel less and less I want to drink. But I also figure out that I’m not so keen to go out anymore after I stopped drinking and I also realized that even if you say yeah, I like to be together with people, but I also are coaching people all day long. I’m talking with people on online. I’m having all these things. So I also try to be more introvert now than I was for five, six years ago. And it’s interesting how also that change. So still like to be around people, but I can also yeah. Just be home when I don’t have anything to do or go on a playing poker is one of my favorite thing But I don’t talk with people I’m just playing poker and sitting alone around the table and don’t talk with them and are in my own little bubble I also that’s something [00:34:00] that gives me energy now, but it was not like that before for 10 years ago I will talk with everyone. But yeah Sadie: No, I just think in terms of like creating balance, I also think about I’m on like you talked about now, like quitting alcohol. Like during those years when I was like really affected by like fear and stress, like I also stopped taking care of myself the way that I really wanted to. feel good when I’m taking care of myself. And so the last, like six months plus have been like me getting back to that. Like getting to the gym, getting outside like focusing on like feeling good, eating healthy, making good food. All those like small things that really make me feel like I’m taking care of myself. And that Requires me to want to take care of myself, which means I have to value myself in order to do that. And also like when you think if we talk about balance and like having a child who still needs to be dropped off and picked up at school, who needs to be driven to all of these activities that she has, or to like her friend’s house, like she can’t go anywhere, alone or whatever. Has no concept of time. So it has to be [00:35:00] like, taken places and picked up and stuff. And so like my work day is also. Like the time when I have to work out or I have to go shopping or I have to do other stuff or go to the acupuncturist or do my fetal heal, all of that stuff happens in my workday. Cause I also work evenings and stuff like that. So if I want to be there for my family. I can’t work eight hours because then I can’t take care of myself. And it’s also about creating that balance and having this lifestyle that allows me to be like, okay, I can work four hours today. The rest of that time is going to go to doing stuff either for myself or for my family or logistics stuff, getting to the post office like, uh, just in order to be able to be present when I’m home and not be thinking about a million things. And that’s like the lifestyle that like everybody talks about that we’re creating in this online business space. But I think a lot of people don’t have that. Petter Erik: No, and I think it’s also to take time for it. Also another thing I start to play golf and I golf around take four or five hours. I know I’m playing golf two [00:36:00] to three times per week. And Maria was like what did we do this 15 hours per week before? Because we didn’t have time to do anything. I know we can go on the golf course. So I also think it’s like, when you make things like a must, it’s also possible to get the lifestyle you really want. So I think the last question I have for you is For me, when I talk with, you know, when I also knew it before, it looks like you have also a spiritual journey that are part of it. So how much, how important is this spiritual journey for you to succeed like an entrepreneur and in life? Sadie: Oh my God. So important. q4 Sadie: I don’t know if I would have been able to get out of the like spiral I was in with like fear and stress and like overload. Because it’s really like how a lot of people think work and life should be. Yeah. But I just knew in my I just couldn’t live like that anymore. I was going to get sick or, something like, I just couldn’t. Very important. I’ve always been interested, like the same way, like I grew up with my mom, not having a steady job. Like I also grew up with my mom, like having Tai Chi teachers over on Sunday morning and trying [00:37:00] out some new, like macrobiotic, Ayurvedic, blah, blah. Which was not common, like in the nineties in Spain. So I’ve always been very comfortable, like trying new things and just like experimenting and finding things that work for me. Honestly, the more I get into it, I just noticed like the positive effect it has on my mindset and on my life. And like how, if you would have told me like, this is something that I think a lot of entrepreneurs can relate to, but the problems that I, the problems that I have now in my business, like if you would have told me three years ago, the problems that I would have now, I would be like, there’s no way I can do like, that is horrible. What are you talking about? I can’t. Let’s just quit now. That sounds terrible. And I’m just like, Oh, that thing happened. That’s interesting. All right. Let’s find a way to deal with that. Because I’ve done the work and I keep doing the work and I I don’t let myself like sink into the hole of despair and I’m like, all right worse things have happened before or we’ve been through challenges before. Like [00:38:00] now I have a network. I have people I can ask. I have like people around me. And so a lot, like most of the mentors and I think yourself included that I like that I work with. They always talk about you have to work on yourself first, like before you work on your business, like q5 Sadie: if you’re in shambles, like your business is going to reflect how you’re feeling and how you treat yourself. And I think that’s so important. I think There’s not enough about that in like entrepreneurial journey. It’s about strategy and funnels. And if you if you’re a mess and you don’t value yourself and you don’t value your services and you don’t appreciate the good that you’re doing then you’re going to struggle growing your business to some degree, something, it’s going to reflect because it’s a reflection of you. So that’s like super important. And the more I get into it, the more I see. Like how it elevates the way I talk to people who work for me, the way I relate to people on a business level, the people I attract into my business. [00:39:00] Um, So yeah, I’m like super, like super into all the woo stuff and I will try anything cause I’m like, yeah, why not? If it’s going to help, yeah, it’s just really interesting. Do you have any favorite things that you try or that you do to like work on yourself? Petter Erik: not really. Be rutile what I’m going to say now maybe, but I got this thing for seven years ago that I saw people who are 70 or 80, someone are living like they’re 20 and someone are living like they are you meet someone who are 40 and live like they’re 80. And I figured out for myself that I want to be the person who are living like they’re 20 when I’m 70, 80. So first of all, I decided to do something that I feel is uncomfortable every year. That could be sport, it could be mental, a mental thing, it could be everything. Someone that I believe I cannot do, I will try it out. So that is always, I’m crossing out something that I want to do that are challenging for me. And sometimes it’s sport, for example, I, Did some backcountry skiing in Japan [00:40:00] next time next year, I just registered for a 12 days bicycle trip in Nepal on 4800 meters next in March. So I’m doing kind of that and also golf. I didn’t believe I could do that. I did dancing. I hate to dance. I did dancing with Maria. So I’m doing things that I am not being good at or don’t want to do. I’ve also been doing some risks. Yeah, I did tantra retreat with Maria. That was something I was scared of. So I’m trying to challenge what I am scared of and keep my mindset young. So that’s my thing. Sadie: Yeah, but that’s like huge, and that’s like the most, yeah, that’s what we talked about. But being comfortable with the discomfort, like if you can keep pushing yourself to not be like, Oh, I can’t do that. Or I’m not a person. Who can do that? Like your brain just gets used to like, Oh, that is interesting. Instead of being like, nope. And I think that’s so important. I totally relate to that. Like I’m turning 40 this summer. And. [00:41:00] I feel more energized now than I have the last five or even 10 years, and I totally never, I never want to lose that feeling of vibrancy and wanting to just enjoy life whatever that means And to me, it’s not really important that it’s spiritual. It’s just that, you know, you have some kind of connection. It’s really just awareness. Like you’re aware of yourself, you’re aware of what’s happening around you. You’re aware of what happens in your life and like how you affect others. And I’m just really lucky, I get to make money helping people and changing their lives. And so it just makes it like easy, because I know that what I do can like make somebody’s life. why would I not do that then? Why would I not try to help as many people as possible? And so anything that comes up along the way, whether it’s like from other people being, feeling threatened by what I do, which happens a lot, or yeah, criticism, or maybe there is somebody that we didn’t manage to help, you know, and before [00:42:00] that, Stuff would have really affected me and I would have gone into a thing of self doubt. And now I’m just more curious about it. And I think it’s that curiosity that like keeps us growing. I think you’re very good at that. in the conversations that we’ve had, at least like, um, which is something that I really appreciate about you. So I’m glad I get to say it live, but you don’t let yourself at least not. Obviously, maybe inside, but you don’t let yourself feel threatened by criticism. Like you get curious about it or like you think about, some people like, they’re like, if you come to them with a problem or something that like is not working and then they, a lot of people. Might react negatively to something like that, or they might come with an excuse, or they might like, and you never do that. You’re always curious about okay. How, what can we do here? How can we sell this in a better way? Like, I don’t see things the way you do. But let me explain to you how I see things and You just really yeah being present, I think, and not letting whatever comes up for you, take over and I think yeah, I [00:43:00] just really appreciate that about you. And it doesn’t have to come from like a spirit. It’s just being aware. You’re just very aware. Petter Erik: Thank you so much and I think this is a really great conversation. I think we touched so many topics here. So thank you for joining. I know we are a busy woman and thank you for taking time for it. And I look forward to listening to it again because I think both of us had some valuable and some great content there. So thank you again, Sadiq. Sadie: Oh, this is so nice to be here. And I know it sounds super silly, but I’ve been on so many podcasts and they’re all in Norwegian. So this is finally one that my mom can listen to. Petter Erik: That’s good. Sadie: It’s like in all my American fans, obviously, but like, uh, it’ll be really nice. Oh, this is so nice. Thank you so much for having me on. I’m really looking forward to sharing this episode. Thank you so much for listening to this episode. To dig deeper, visit awesome. com forward slash scaling light. That’s A W E S M dot com forward slash scaling light. You’ll find show notes, [00:44:00] resources and links. mentioned in this episode, as well as links to our socials. If you like what you heard, please rate and review us on the podcast platform of your choice. Your feedback is so important to help more entrepreneurs to discover this show. Our goal is to provide inspiration and we hope you’ll continue scaling alongside us. Thanks for your support and see you next time.

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Business Strategist and Visionary

Petter Erik Nyvoll has worked in sales and has been an entrepreneur for 20 years. He has sold courses and conferences, sponsor packages, consulting services, shares, investment opportunities, telephone and server solutions, ads, exclusive memberships, and network marketing products.

He loves to keep up with what’s happening in sales and marketing around the world, is continuously testing new marketing strategies by himself and helps online entrepreneurs implement new sales and marketing strategies. He is well known for challenging his clients to double their price , to think creatively and to break out of their comfort zone!